The <input> tag is used to display an input field, with different appearances and uses based on the type attribute
text : <input type="text"> <hr>
button : <input type="button" value="Click me"> <hr>
checkbox : <input type="checkbox"> <hr>
color : <input type="color"> <hr>
date : <input type="date"> <hr>
datetime-local : <input type="datetime-local"> <hr>
email : <input type="email"> <hr>
file : <input type="file"> <hr>
hidden : <input type="hidden"> <hr>
image : <input type="image" src=""> <hr>
month : <input type="month"> <hr>
number : <input type="number"> <hr>
password : <input type="password"> <hr>
radio : <input type="radio"> <hr>
range : <input type="range"> <hr>
reset : <input type="reset"> <hr>
search : <input type="search"> <hr>
submit : <input type="submit"> <hr>
tel : <input type="tel"> <hr>
time : <input type="time"> <hr>
url : <input type="url"> <hr>
week : <input type="week"> <hr>