Assignment is a fundamental and important part. It allows us to assign a value to a variable and manage data in a program.
To assign a value to a variable in JavaScript, we use the assignment operator (=).
let name = "John"; // Gán giá trị chuỗi "John" cho biến name
let age = 25; // Gán giá trị số 25 cho biến age
let isStudent = true; // Gán giá trị boolean true cho biến isStudent
We can also assign the value of one variable to another variable as follows
let x = 10;
let y = x; // Gán giá trị của biến x cho biến y
In addition to the assignment operator (=), JavaScript also provides some other assignment operators to perform calculations and assign values at the same time.
Addition and assignment operator (+=): Used to add a value to the current value of a variable and assign the result to the variable.
let sum = 5;
sum += 3; // TÆ°Æ¡ng Ä‘Æ°Æ¡ng vá»›i sum = sum + 3
Subtraction and assignment operator (-=): Used to subtract a value from the current value of a variable and assign the result to the variable.
let difference = 10;
difference -= 4; // TÆ°Æ¡ng Ä‘Æ°Æ¡ng vá»›i difference = difference - 4
Multiplication and assignment operator (*=): Used to multiply a value with the current value of a variable and assign the result to the variable.
let product = 2;
product *= 6; // TÆ°Æ¡ng Ä‘Æ°Æ¡ng vá»›i product = product * 6
Division and assignment operator (/=): Used to divide the current value of a variable by a value and assign the result to the variable.
let quotient = 15;
quotient /= 3; // TÆ°Æ¡ng Ä‘Æ°Æ¡ng vá»›i quotient = quotient / 3
Modulus and assignment operator (%=): Used to get the remainder after dividing the current value of a variable by a value and assign the result to the variable.
let remainder = 17;
remainder %= 4; // TÆ°Æ¡ng Ä‘Æ°Æ¡ng vá»›i remainder = remainder % 4
Here are some examples of using assignment in JavaScript:
// Gán giá trị cho biến
let name = "John";
let age = 25;
let isStudent = true;
// Gán giá trị của biến cho biến khác
let x = 10;
let y = x;
// SỠdụng toán tỠgán +=
let sum = 5;
sum += 3; // sum = 8
// SỠdụng toán tỠgán -=
let difference = 10;
difference -= 4; // difference = 6
// SỠdụng toán tỠgán *=
let product = 2;
product *= 6; // product = 12
// SỠdụng toán tỠgán /=
let quotient = 15;
quotient /= 3; // quotient = 5
// SỠdụng toán tỠgán %=
let remainder = 17;
remainder %= 4; // remainder = 1